Stop #6: Arches National Park The park I was most excited to see in Utah was the one we visited first. There is something majestic and magical about natural arches. We began the day with a glimpse of Delicate Arch in the distance. I said that I wanted to hike […]
A Camper Minivan? I was intrigued when I saw it in an email from Groupon. I’d always wanted to go RVing, but didn’t want to drive a big rig around. But I’d driven a minivan before; this I could handle. Ultimately the Groupon deal dates didn’t work for me, but […]
I’m a country girl. That should be no surprise to you as most of this blog is filled with hiking and other outdoorsy expeditions. Two years ago I took a job in Washington, DC but ultimately decided to live in the suburbs so I could be either downtown or in […]
Given the choice of anything to do on a sunny summer day, rolling a hoop down the road with a stick wouldn’t be my top choice. But there was something about the Colonial Williamsburg commercials I saw as a kid that made it look so fun! Finally now, about 20 […]
A visit to Colonial Williamsburg is an adventure in time travel. Once you leave the parking lot you can be anywhere from 1775 to 1781. Between the catalysts for the Revolution and the granting of independence. Governor’s Palace The Governor’s Palace that can be toured today sits on the site […]
I’m not sure where the tradition of free hotel food came from. Was it the free coffee in every lobby? Or the free continental breakfast from every economy hotel chain? Or even the free cookies at DoubleTree? In fact, I’ve also gotten free cookies on stays at Holiday Inn and […]
I spend so much time visiting and exploring other cities that I often forget how remarkable my own town is. DC is incredible. I can’t imagine any other city that fits me better. I love the history and the culture. I’m not crazy about the crowds and the humidity, but […]
I was hiking in Monocacy National Battlefield earlier this year when I thought to myself, “I don’t like battlefields as much as other National Park sites.” When I think National Parks, I think Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Denali. When I think National Park Service, I think the monuments in Washington, DC. […]
If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you know that I attended the Washington, DC Travel and Adventure show a few weeks ago. I spent Saturday and Sunday listening to and learning from some of the biggest names in travel. In between sessions I was able to visit booths […]
It’s been a year since my National Parks project began. For those of you new to the blog, I’m attempting to see 100 sites managed by the National Park Service before the Park Service turns 100 on August 25, 2016. I devised this challenge when I planned a birthday trip […]
Last Saturday I visited my 67th National Park – Olympic National Park! I wasn’t sure what to expect. Visiting the Olympic peninsula in February could have been a terrible choice. To be on the safe side I rented a four-wheel drive vehicle and was mentally preparing for the worst. I […]
After my flight around McKinley, my trip was coming to a close. It was nearly time to head to the airport. I was so grateful for everything that I had the opportunity to see and do. I knew I was returning to “real life” a different person. Time in the […]