A Camper Minivan? I was intrigued when I saw it in an email from Groupon. I’d always wanted to go RVing, but didn’t want to drive a big rig around. But I’d driven a minivan before; this I could handle. Ultimately the Groupon deal dates didn’t work for me, but […]
Visiting the Theodore Roosevelt National Park South Unit from the North Unit also involves a bit of time travel. The Units are an hour apart. The North Unit operates on Mountain Time. The South Unit operates on Central Time. I arrived the same time I left. Whoa. Mind blown! Theodore […]
On the road out of Talkeetna early Saturday morning I hit some ice that sent my pickup truck fishtailing down the road. Now that I was wide awake from that excitement, it was time to see some wildlife and hopefully Denali before I had to head back to get on […]
After Seward, my next major stop was Denali National Park seven hours north. My plan for Friday was to drive to Talkeetna and take a flightsee trip over Denali on Saturday. I would save about six hours of driving (round trip) if I could just fly out over the park, […]
After my near all nighter and a couple hours of sleep, it was time to head south to Seward, Alaska. I had heard that this drive along appropriately titled Seward Highway is one of the most beautiful I will ever take in my life. So I wanted to really take […]