Though technically managed by the Bureau of Land Management and not the National Park Service, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument was on my list of places to visit in Utah. Although I’m sure all of its nearly 2 million acres are beautiful, I was there for one site in particular: Grosvenor […]
I knew very little about Canyonlands National Park before this trip. I only knew that it was home to what is probably Utah’s most famous arch outside of Arches National Park: Mesa Arch And I assumed it had a canyon. You know, because it was called Canyonlands. I was expecting […]
Stop #6: Arches National Park The park I was most excited to see in Utah was the one we visited first. There is something majestic and magical about natural arches. We began the day with a glimpse of Delicate Arch in the distance. I said that I wanted to hike […]
Visiting the Theodore Roosevelt National Park South Unit from the North Unit also involves a bit of time travel. The Units are an hour apart. The North Unit operates on Mountain Time. The South Unit operates on Central Time. I arrived the same time I left. Whoa. Mind blown! Theodore […]
After my flight around McKinley, my trip was coming to a close. It was nearly time to head to the airport. I was so grateful for everything that I had the opportunity to see and do. I knew I was returning to “real life” a different person. Time in the […]
On the road out of Talkeetna early Saturday morning I hit some ice that sent my pickup truck fishtailing down the road. Now that I was wide awake from that excitement, it was time to see some wildlife and hopefully Denali before I had to head back to get on […]
After exploring Denali National Park, I climbed back in my truck and drove all the way to Hatcher Pass Bed and Breakfast in Palmer. I’ve stayed in B&Bs before and they’re not my scene. I don’t dig the frilly rooms and the meals with strangers. This place is WAY different. […]
After my near all nighter and a couple hours of sleep, it was time to head south to Seward, Alaska. I had heard that this drive along appropriately titled Seward Highway is one of the most beautiful I will ever take in my life. So I wanted to really take […]
One of the things I miss most about cruise ships is the ease of making friends. You’re stuck together in a small space with all of the other crew members so why not be friends? After a few contracts you begin to know or know of most people who have […]
I can’t believe I’ve already been back from Alaska for a month. I am sooo sorry I haven’t posted more Alaska stories. I have a problem where I can’t stop having adventures long enough to write about the adventures I’ve already had. The first step is admitting I have a […]