I knew very little about Canyonlands National Park before this trip. I only knew that it was home to what is probably Utah’s most famous arch outside of Arches National Park: Mesa Arch And I assumed it had a canyon. You know, because it was called Canyonlands. I was expecting […]
National Park System
Stop #6: Arches National Park The park I was most excited to see in Utah was the one we visited first. There is something majestic and magical about natural arches. We began the day with a glimpse of Delicate Arch in the distance. I said that I wanted to hike […]
A Camper Minivan? I was intrigued when I saw it in an email from Groupon. I’d always wanted to go RVing, but didn’t want to drive a big rig around. But I’d driven a minivan before; this I could handle. Ultimately the Groupon deal dates didn’t work for me, but […]
Visiting the Theodore Roosevelt National Park South Unit from the North Unit also involves a bit of time travel. The Units are an hour apart. The North Unit operates on Mountain Time. The South Unit operates on Central Time. I arrived the same time I left. Whoa. Mind blown! Theodore […]
When you think “North Dakota,”what comes to mind? For me it was space. A flat expanse covered by prairie grass, corn, and as of recently, oil fields. Something I didn’t think of was rivers. But North Dakota has them. In fact they have two National Park Sites along rivers. I […]
The past few posts have been about my trip to Colonial National Park. While I enjoyed Jamestowne, Yorktown, Colonial Williamsburg, and saving money throughout the weekend I made the most surprising discovery at Fort Monroe National Monument. Fort Monroe was once known as the Gibraltar of the Chesapeake and is […]
If you’re a single, young professional with travel as your main hobby, economical travel better be a hobby too. Thankfully for me it is! My top two hobbies are 1. Travel and 2. Saving Money Here are a few things I did to save nearly $150 on my visits to […]
Given the choice of anything to do on a sunny summer day, rolling a hoop down the road with a stick wouldn’t be my top choice. But there was something about the Colonial Williamsburg commercials I saw as a kid that made it look so fun! Finally now, about 20 […]
I was hiking in Monocacy National Battlefield earlier this year when I thought to myself, “I don’t like battlefields as much as other National Park sites.” When I think National Parks, I think Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Denali. When I think National Park Service, I think the monuments in Washington, DC. […]
I went hiking in Mount Rainier National Park a couple weeks ago. I wasn’t in a good place. Physically, I was in a good place, a great one even. Mentally and emotionally I was in a dark place. I was dealing with a lot of uncertainties and inner turmoil. To […]
I turned 30 recently. I’m not exactly sure what I think 30 should look like, but my life just doesn’t “feel” like 30. To combat that dissonance I decided to book a trip for my birthday weekend. My typical trips consist of cheap (but safe) hotel or car camping. But […]
It’s been a year since my National Parks project began. For those of you new to the blog, I’m attempting to see 100 sites managed by the National Park Service before the Park Service turns 100 on August 25, 2016. I devised this challenge when I planned a birthday trip […]