It’s been over a month now since I made my first visit to Disney World. That’s right my first trip. I had always wanted to go as a kid- I loved the special episodes of the TGIF shows that took place at Disney, I loved amusement parks, I liked Disney […]
As predicted, I made it back to Chicago. If you’re a frequent reader, you will recall my love for the city of Chicago and particularly a little spot known as Second City. I visited both spots for a week this summer and loved it. This time, I was in the […]
Sorry it’s been almost a whole month since I’ve written anything. I have so much to tell you. I plan on writing a post about my first trip to Disney World! I have some pictures from there to post as well, so stay tuned. The trick is finding the time… […]
I finally made it back! My beloved Riverwalk and I were reunited on Valentine’s Day of all days. Due to the holiday, it was much more crowded than the previous two times I had been there, but it was great nonetheless. The couple population was out in full force, but […]
Ooooooo….2 posts in one day! One more and I’ll tie my total blogs for January. Sorry I haven’t written much…busy schedule. Things might slow down in the next few weeks… I realized that I had never written about my trip to New Orleans. I Facebooked it, but I didn’t blog […]
One of the great benefits of my job is that I get to travel all across the country. In my 23 years, I have met enough people that could easily allow me to travel across the continent and never need a hotel. Last year, I spent time with my cousin […]
In case you haven’t heard, I’m applying for the Best Job in the World. The chances of me getting this are extremely slim, but it can’t hurt to try. Please go to the website, watch the video again, and give me a good rating. That will greatly increase my chances […]
What a day yesterday was! We had 2 school assemblies in the morning to promote a show on Sunday in New Braunfels before going to set up and do our largest show to date. Last night we had 2,700 people pack the Community Bible Church. Despite all of the good […]
We just enjoyed a few days off in Bonita Springs, FL. We were in Bonita last year and it remains one of my favorite places in the country. Every time I’m in that area I find more and more exceptional people that strengthen and encourage me, but also make it […]
I’m on the bus again. I’m working on hour 10 right now. So far I’ve watched Eagle Eye and Fun With Dick and Jane, entered all of the online registration codes from yesterday’s show and read some columns I’ve been behind on. Really? That’s it? I think I just depressed […]
Ah, the North. I love the faster pace, but I could do without the lack of Waffle House’s and the snow. I’m at home for the weekend right now and we have about 2 feet of snow. That’s about the most I’ve seen in the past 5 years. I spent […]
I hope that 2009 is off to a great start for all of you. These first few days have been wonderful for me- a lot of sleeping and spending time with family and friends- two activities that I frequently long for. However I found out today that all of this […]